The Avocado Street Beach Homes have received GreenPoint Rated Gold!
GreenPoint Rated is one of the most trusted home rating system in California. It provides proof that the home has been built or remodeled to trusted environmental standards. The homeowner now has the assurance of an efficient, comfortable, and healthy home for their family

Some features that earned these homes Gold include:
- 80% waste diversion – source separated materials to divert waste from landfills
- Permeable paving – water that falls on the site percolates through the ground and flows into bioretention basins. This recharges groundwater and also filters the stormwater before it enters the storm drain. Construction activities often increase stormwater runoff which can pollute creeks, the ocean, and other local waterways, and on-site filtration measures help decrease these hazardous effects
- Landscaping – primarily native/drought tolerant plants were planted which require less water for irrigation. Also, highly efficient drip irrigation was installed. In a drought-prone area such as San Diego, these measures are especially important
- Environmentally preferred materials – recycled content insulation, low/zero VOC paints
- Water efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances
- Walkability to local community resources such as grocery stores, restaurants, gyms etc.